Google Logos - Olympics 2008

Posted On 9:06 PM by Invisibleness | 1 comments

Opening Ceremony - 8 Aug 08

Cycling - 9 Aug 08

Weight Lifting - 10 Aug 08

Diving - 11 Aug 08

Rhythm - 12 Aug 08

Rings - 13 Aug 08

Basketball - 14 Aug 08

Badminton - 15 Aug 08

Soccer - 16 Aug 08

Rowing - 17 Aug 08

Ping Pong - 18 Aug 08

Swimming - 19 Aug 08

Athletics - 20 Aug 08

High Jump - 21 Aug 08

Martial Arts - 22 Aug 08

Baseball - 23 Aug 08

Closing Ceremony - 24 Aug 08

The Google logos created for the Olympics 2008. These logos have been created by Dennis Hwang, a graphic artist who designs festive logos for google on special days.
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Create your own avatar

Posted On 10:44 PM by Invisibleness | 0 comments

Create your own avatars in You will be able to use the avatars when using msn messenger, skype, AIM, yahoo, myspace, facebook and many more...

Face your manga gives you the chance to add originality and style to your face, turn it in a work of art and amaze your friends. Click the link below to create one.
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The Idiot Test

Posted On 5:58 PM by Invisibleness | 0 comments

Play this idiot test to see how smart you are
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High-Speed Car Chase

Posted On 1:25 PM by Invisibleness | 1 comments

How about this for a quick getaway...
Click the image to see.
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Something to laugh about

Posted On 2:10 AM by Invisibleness | 1 comments

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