Facebook sometimes can be a pain in the ass

Posted On 11:43 PM by Invisibleness | 0 comments

Facebook is using users profile picture in their ads without your permission. This can be troublesome because the ad might say “Hot Singles You Can Take Home Tonight”. And i know you wouldnt want your profile picture to be in these types of ads. So why not disable this feature before facebook does this to you. Here is how you can do this.

1- Log in to your facebook account.

2- Click “Settings” on the top right. You should see three options, from that click “Privacy Settings.”

3- Click on “News Feed and Wall.”

4- You should now see two tabs: “Actions within Facebook” and “Facebook Ads.” Click on “Facebook Ads.”

5- Now you should see a drop down menu that says appearance in facebook ads. Click the drop down menu and choose “No one” and click save changes.

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20 Websites You Must Visit Everyday

Posted On 12:29 AM by Invisibleness | 0 comments

Feeling bored or don't know what to do in your spare time? Here are 20 sites that you must visit everyday to change that. Almost everyday i spend my time visiting these sites so i think you should too. Thanks to crunchbase for all the information about the websites. Enjoy!

1- Google

Google search is a web search engine owned by Google Inc. and is the most-used search engine on the Web.

2- Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a free, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.

3- Digg

Digg is a social news website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories.

4- Delicious

Delicious is a social bookmarking website – the primary use of Delicious is to store your bookmarks online, which allows you to access the same bookmarks from any computer and add bookmarks from anywhere, too.

5- Flickr

Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform. In addition to being a popular Web site for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository.

6- Stumbleupon

StumbleUpon is a website and content discovery service enabled by a browser toolbar. StumbleUpon uses positive and negative user ratings to form collaborative opinions on website quality.

7- deviantART

deviantART is an online artist community. The site aims to be a place for any artist to exhibit and discuss their works.

8- Youtube

YouTube is the leader in online video, sharing original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.

9- Blippr

A microblogging service for user reviews of products, allowing users to discuss, discover, and organize books, games, movies, and music that they are interested in.

10- Twitter

A social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to post their latest updates. An update is limited by 140 characters and can be posted through three methods: web form, text message, or instant message.

11- Facebook

Facebook is a free-access social networking website. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves.

12- Gmail

Gmail, also known as Google Mail, is a free email service with innovative features like “conversation view” email threads, search-oriented interface and plenty of free storage (almost 7GB).

13- Windows Live Mail

Windows Live Mail is a desktop mail client designed to succeed Outlook Express on Windows XP and Windows Mail on Windows Vista.

14- Imeem

Imeem is a social media network where users can create, recommend and discover music, film/video, art, and pop culture media and connect with other users who have similar tastes.

15- Mashable

Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Networking news. With more than 5 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web.

16- Wired

Wired News is an online technology news website, formerly known as HotWired, that split off from Wired magazine when the magazine was purchased by Condé Nast Publishing in the 1990s.

17- Gizmodo

Gizmodo is a popular technology weblog about consumer electronics.

18- Engadget

Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics.

19- Lifehacker

Daily weblog on software and personal productivity recommends downloads, web sites and shortcuts that help you work smarter and save time.

20- Skysports

The best sports coverage from around the world, covering: Football, Cricket, Golf, Rugby, WWE, Boxing, Tennis and much more.

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