Google Logos - Olympics 2008

Posted On 9:06 PM by Invisibleness |

Opening Ceremony - 8 Aug 08

Cycling - 9 Aug 08

Weight Lifting - 10 Aug 08

Diving - 11 Aug 08

Rhythm - 12 Aug 08

Rings - 13 Aug 08

Basketball - 14 Aug 08

Badminton - 15 Aug 08

Soccer - 16 Aug 08

Rowing - 17 Aug 08

Ping Pong - 18 Aug 08

Swimming - 19 Aug 08

Athletics - 20 Aug 08

High Jump - 21 Aug 08

Martial Arts - 22 Aug 08

Baseball - 23 Aug 08

Closing Ceremony - 24 Aug 08

The Google logos created for the Olympics 2008. These logos have been created by Dennis Hwang, a graphic artist who designs festive logos for google on special days.
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1 Response to 'Google Logos - Olympics 2008'
  1. Prakash_Mc'> 9:39 PM

    Superb google pics.... i love it