A fan of Heroes? Watch Out for 'Push'

Posted On 2:59 PM by Invisibleness |

A sci-fi thriller involves a group of young American ex-pats with telekinetic and clairvoyant abilities, hiding from a clandestine U.S. government agency known as "The Division." They must utilize their different talents and band together for a final job enabling them to escape the agency forever.

The different types of abilities are:

Movers - Can simply move objects.

Pushers - Push thoughts into the minds of other people making them believe they're real.

Watchers - Can see into the future.

Bleeders - Emit a high pitch noise that can disable or even kill people.

Sniffers - Can see a history of anything they smell.

Shifters - Can change the shape of objects around them for a short time.

Wipers - Can wipe the memory of those around them.

Shadows - Can cloak themselves in a shadow, almost as if they're invisible.

Stitchers - Can heal others.

DC Comics started producing a comic book mini-series that acts as a prequel to the film. I will try to upload all the issues when they are released.

Download the comics from here.

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